Thursday, October 14, 2010

Market Finds

Better late than never...As you may recall, I went to Market Days in Goliad and found a few great buys. 

This little guy was too cute to pass up

When I rounded the corner I found a lady who sewed this little gem

...and wouldn't you know that this was right next door

I've been searching for a chimenia for a long time.  All the ones I've seen have had the shape of TX patterned on it or some southwestern looking lizard, TX Longhorn , the Lone Star, etc., and guys, I love my state just not enough to have it's image all over the place.  Ahhhh, but this guy, he was perfect and only $35 dollars.  I love him : )

Also, I found this yummy jelly.
Of course, I sampled all she had before settling on this one.  I had never heard of Agaritas before.  Think currants.

Tomorrow is Foodie Friday so I'll post something yummy.  'Til then, have a good night~


  1. The owl chiminea (?sp? I don't know how to spell it) is so cute!

  2. Thanks! Husband just gave me a questioning stare when I asked him to hoist the owl to the patio : )
