Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Gardening We Will Go

It's that time of year, again, folks.  I'm not going all out this go 'round...same plants, not near as many of them!  We've planted a few heirloom tomatoes:, Brandy Wine, Yellow Pair, and Tigerella.  I've also planted mint, lavender, rosemary, dill, parsley, lettuce, and a few bell peppers.  Wish us luck with all that.

This weekend I may plant some okra and tomatillo seeds.  In addition, I've got Zinnia's (Lilliputs), Batchelor's Buttons, and orange Cosmos.  The Cosmos come from my sweet neighbor and the Batchelor's Buttons are special because the seeds come from my mom's plants which grew from her mom's, and my grandma's grew from her mom's plants.  So, I guess that convoluted trail of words means that I have my Great Grandma to thank for the pretty blooms.  That's four generations of crazy ladies' flowers!

I've got my eye on trying this craft to mark the plants...

Stay tuned to see how my garden grows ; )


Stephen said...

Fun, isn't it. I need to rip out and replant my herbs. Love heirloom tomatoes.

Lynn said...

I'm cutting back too, most years we just don't get enough rain, so I'll just worry about watering a smaller area. Love that you have the family seeds, that's really fun:@)